what to eat before and after a workout

Bodybuilding is divided into 2 important parts,the workout and the diet aka training and nutrition.
We all know that a bad nutrition habit lead into a bad workout,because of the imbalance in the macro-nutrition's.


A good post workout(energy booster) like Creatine will give you extra energy,but don't get fooled,the real source of energy is from real food.i subject banana ,nuts,and rice for a post workout .Banana: instant energy ,nuts :healthy fats ,rice : fuel your muscles with glycogen (energy source used by the muscle) ,and don't forget about the water,the ultimate nutrition distributor in our body's.


When we hit the gym , the body become drained from energy, and start to turn into catabolic state (muscle destruction).to prevent that we have to eat directly after finishing the workout.
i advice you to eat banana(again),whey protein (if available),3 whole egg's,soy beans or tuna cane.
after these "mini"-meals .

Dont forget to eat at least 3 small meals a day that contain protein - carbs - fats to get a good recovery and start a new training day, 40%protein ,30% carbs ,30%fats(that depends on your goal).

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