What exercices are best when bulking ?

In the off-seasons ,bodybuilders tend to bulk ,and use Technics that take them to a new level of muscle mass , to do that they stick to high calories diet and use core exercises that target 2 muscles in a workout or more (like compound exercises)

In this article we will discover the top exercises that will improve your strength and mass when your bulking ,lets start :

1-squats :in my opinion squats is the best exercises to build huge muscle mass & strength ,it also helps producing GH (Growth Hormone more produced in large muscle like legs and back) because of the size of the muscle.

2-bench press : the most famous chest development exercise .great for building massive chest and stronger triceps

3-dead lift : perfect to develop a nice lower back and stretch hamstring

4-pull ups :the V-shape maker,well known as a compound exercise for back & target the last most

5-dips : Chest stretch and triceps builder (depends on inclination)

6-bent over row : best for targeting & developing a variety of back muscles

7-clean and press :this exercise targets the front deltoids, legs and the triceps


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